Hey... how's it going? Good, good.
Hey, look. I'm REALLY sorry about not showing up for the last couple of days - I've been *really* busy, I swear.
I know I've been a real slacker, I'm on semester break right now, so I am going to catch up as best I can.

It was my birthday on Monday. People were EXTREMELY cool about it. I thought (initially) that it was really funny to think of it as the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday - but then I realized that I didn't want to think of my 21st birthday as been a full DECADE behind me now.
Going to Murphy's and grabbing a burger with these guys did ease the pain a bit.

(l-r... Laura, Ted, Arpi, & Allison)
Since it WAS my birthday and I seem to be on a gastronomical tour of this town anyways, Laura & Allison also accompanied me out for dinner at an old favorite on Prospect Ave...

It was yummy - especially the Xena, Warrior Princess cake
that Allison picked out for me.
(The menu said Xanga... I thought Xena... it was DELICIOUS)

Dessert fit for a Warrior princess...

Best part of dinner? TIE.
1) Being carded after ordering a margarita on my 31st birthday...
2) Allison's phone slipping into a blackhole in her car where we could HEAR it ringing, but could not for the LIFE OF US figure out what direction it was coming from or how to retrieve it.

Blankenship looking PRE-TTY jazzed about the search for Cabaj's phone.

Photographic evidence that it took me calling the phone SEVEN times
for us to figure out where in the funk it had gotten to.
After dinner, trip down memory lane...

Ya missing something?

Don't worry. UIUC has a GIANT one you can borrow.

Getting a Masters' degree in LIS...
with no intention of EVER returning to a school...
ah, the time and energy (and money)
I wasted in this building. :)

I think some of the out-of-towner LEEP'ers thought we were kidding....

... but we got MAD love for the Morrow Plots, yo.
We don't cast a shadow on this corn, no sir.
Last, but not least...

It's pronounced LIB-rary... like LIB-eral, right?
Hey, look. I'm REALLY sorry about not showing up for the last couple of days - I've been *really* busy, I swear.
I know I've been a real slacker, I'm on semester break right now, so I am going to catch up as best I can.
It was my birthday on Monday. People were EXTREMELY cool about it. I thought (initially) that it was really funny to think of it as the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday - but then I realized that I didn't want to think of my 21st birthday as been a full DECADE behind me now.
Going to Murphy's and grabbing a burger with these guys did ease the pain a bit.

(l-r... Laura, Ted, Arpi, & Allison)
Since it WAS my birthday and I seem to be on a gastronomical tour of this town anyways, Laura & Allison also accompanied me out for dinner at an old favorite on Prospect Ave...

It was yummy - especially the Xena, Warrior Princess cake
that Allison picked out for me.
(The menu said Xanga... I thought Xena... it was DELICIOUS)
Dessert fit for a Warrior princess...
Best part of dinner? TIE.
1) Being carded after ordering a margarita on my 31st birthday...
2) Allison's phone slipping into a blackhole in her car where we could HEAR it ringing, but could not for the LIFE OF US figure out what direction it was coming from or how to retrieve it.
Blankenship looking PRE-TTY jazzed about the search for Cabaj's phone.

Photographic evidence that it took me calling the phone SEVEN times
for us to figure out where in the funk it had gotten to.
After dinner, trip down memory lane...
Oh, hey little guy...

Ya missing something?

Don't worry. UIUC has a GIANT one you can borrow.
Getting a Masters' degree in LIS...
with no intention of EVER returning to a school...
ah, the time and energy (and money)
I wasted in this building. :)
I think some of the out-of-towner LEEP'ers thought we were kidding....
... but we got MAD love for the Morrow Plots, yo.
We don't cast a shadow on this corn, no sir.
Last, but not least...
It's pronounced LIB-rary... like LIB-eral, right?
I can't take it...this is HILARIOUS! Of course, I might be biased as I am highly involved in EVERY PIC! You're the best!
So that picture of me is RIDICULOUS, but so flippin' funny that I'm not going to beg you to take it down.