Sensing a theme here - my posts will be a day late and a dollar short. :)
Day 3 was another LONG day of LEEPin', but I didn't take any photos of the day's activites. I don't really dig text-only posts, so I've decided to take you on a tour of my prison cel... I mean, dorm room.
We'll begin at the beginning. These are my keys. The orange card is a swipe card that gets me into Sherman after they lock the doors in the evening for security reasons. I love it because I can never get to it without some sort of struggle, mainly because I refuse to wear things with pockets (or at least it would appear that way). The gold key you see here opens the door to my prison cel... I mean, dorm room and the adjacent bathroom. It's also awesome because it has the added security feature of having my room number printed right on it; you know, in case I drop it and some shady character would like to deliver it directly to me. While I'm asleep in my bed.
Using that lovely key, you open the door onto this magical kingdom.
I believe the dimensions are 3'x5'...
The spacious closet is lost on me, with the exception of the obscene number of shoes I brought. Apparently I wanted to repeat the wearing of my footwear only ONCE during this 10-day stay.
The other side of the closet houses a pair of shoes I didn't think I'd ever have to own after I graduated in 2001 - the shower sandals. I don't wear them because *I* have any foot fungi and I hope not to offend my bathroom buddy, Julie, by wearing them because I doubt *she* has any foot fungi, but I'll say it again - "Good shower sandals make good bathroom buddies".
Speaking of the bathroom, check it out. It's pretty utilitarian, but it gets the job(s) done.
Eww. Sorry about that.
I couldn't get the picture I desired to demonstrate just HOW small this shower stall is - mainly because I couldn't get far enough away from it to get a better angle. As I write, it's 12:24am - and I don't know how happy Julie would be if I knocked to ask if I could stand inside her cell to get a better picture.
In case you were worried.
No storage in the bathroom means that this gets housed above my desk. It takes a lot to keep me looking... well, decent enough to show my face and hair in public.
Day 3 was another LONG day of LEEPin', but I didn't take any photos of the day's activites. I don't really dig text-only posts, so I've decided to take you on a tour of my prison cel... I mean, dorm room.

I believe the dimensions are 3'x5'...

Eww. Sorry about that.

Since I didn't bring my pole vaulting equipment and they ran out of step stools at the front desk (SERIOUSLY), I have to grab the far side of my "mattress" and use all my upper body strength (please stop laughing) to haul myself up onto the bed. Once I'm there, I usually immediately start crying because I realize I have to get down and repeat the process because I've left the lights on.

I hope I'll remember to turn off the lights the FIRST time...
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