Day 2 was... well, technically it was yesterday. :)
Woke up at 7:10, got ready and hustled over to the lab at GSLIS for Moodle/Elluminate training. Met Matt Beth, professed Potter/Hobbit/Twitter-phobe, and learned about "whispering" in the world of distance learning, all while sitting behind these lovely ladies.

Back to Sherman to drop off some weight (namely, other people's laptops) and check out how the other half live - at least the ones who live in the other building... in triples... on the 10th floor. Good views, I have to say...
Back to the Undergrad to learn more about conducting research via the online catalog - so cool to learn that we'll be able to order books and have them delivered to our homes/offices AND that we can basically keep them for the rest of our graduate careers!!! (highly discouraged)
Ran to Jimmy John's for lunch to gobble up a sandwich before hitting the first of many optional sessions I will be attending - this one on finding articles through LISA, Lib Lit, and LISTA. Had the unfortunate experience of having to sit on the floor for this one, but definitely felt that I was "among my people" when a session on finding scholarly articles was a standing room only event.
Had 30 minutes to kill before the first 502 lecture and spent them wrestling with Chip, the printer in the lab in GSLIS. Wanted a set of slides to take notes on... took me more time than I wanted to spend and probably more printing quota than I wanted to spend, either, but I got sweet printouts thanks to the slides being in Keynote as opposed to PowerPoint.
First lecture was... not what I expected. Began with some ponderables about how we were presenting ourselves in this unusual social situation (i.e. being thrown together by LEEP). Leigh's sociology background definitely shone through here. :) No discussion on Mill (you get no complaints from me) but rather a broad overview of the course and its origins.
On my way out of the lecture hall, got recruited into a presentation group - very happy about this as I suffer from that "last kid picked for dodgeball" syndrome. Back to Sherman, put on a sweatshirt (apparently Chambana didn't get the "IT'S JULY" memo, either) and went out to Murphy's for a quick bite. No camera... which is just making it more and more obvious to ME that I desperately need an iPhone. :D Tonight was "Bacon Cheeseburger w/ fries for $5" night - memories.
Walked back to Sherman and encountered LOTS of folks hanging in the lounge. Retrieved some Puppy Chow from the freezer, left my camera in my room (sensing a theme here??) and had a GREAT time laughing it up with my LEEP peeps. Conversation was varied and sometimes raunchy (thanks, teachers!) but it was not to be missed.
When I got back to my prison cel.... I mean, ROOM, realized the Moodle had been on FIRE while I was snarfin' snacks and giggling with my pals. WHOA.
Sleeping in tomor - er, today... first session at 10:30. New stressor - policy tracking paper.
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