Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Oh sheesh, y'all...

Did Moodle spaces go live today?

Yes. Yes, they did.

I had just forgotten what it was like to live as a grad student/mom/library assistant/wife/friend/whatever-else-I-committed to and BAM! it's time for the Spring semester. Sleep's overrated, anyway.

I have a friend (you might have her, too - Allison from 14.1) who is a couple of weeks away from birthing a baby (I love saying it that way) - her SECOND, mind you - that we (Allison, Laura, and I) affectionately named Baby L.E.E.P. (Laura Elizabeth Estabrook Patricia) back at Boot Camp when the pregnancy was no more than a few weeks along. Now L.E.E.P. (who could also be a Lester Edward Estabrook Patrick) is going to burst on to the scene (gross, sorry) just as LIS504 is getting started. Can you imagine?

So I am going to go ahead and guess that Allison will not be interested in hearing my complaints about all the things I have to get done in addition to schoolwork and how little I am sleeping.

And I know that she's not the only one doing this whole GSLIS thing in less than ideal (and let's face it - ideal would be full ride, full time, spending money to spare) circumstances. To all of you who are doing the best you can where you are and with what you've got and living a full life at the same time, I tip my hat. This path we've chosen, as I believe I've said before, is no cakewalk.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go put some laundry in the dryer and get five hours of sleep before heading out to the gym to meet my workout buddy for a swim.

For real.

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